Stimulants ruined my life reddit I was diagnosed as an adult and the medication literally changed my entire life. my life has changed in so many amazing ways. I believe this was also connected to a period where I tried hallucinogenic mushrooms, which I had a really bad experience with and I thought it ruined my brain forever. Let alone been ruined. SSRI antidepressants are the first line treatment for generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. And I don’t see the point in taking 4 unisom rather than one Xanax. I will rely on them for the rest of my life. They help Apr 23, 2022 · On the first day I took the stimulants, I fell asleep in the middle of the day. Your 15 your life hasn't even begun yet. ADHD is not a real medical condition. But I’m interested in the calm thoughts factor you’re mentioning in your posts. Maybe ritalin isn't for you and you should ask your doctor about trying other drugs. I’m so much more emotionally aware and I find my empathy is off the charts. What my parents would think of me if they found out. i was alone, thanks to special ed which made the teachers treat me like an idiot, and made other kids think of me as the sped (which basicly means "retarded". I don’t want to stop taking it, but I’m not willing to sacrifice my skin either. Posted by u/outretransition - 1 vote and 2 comments Stay the course, it will get better. She prescribed me Vyvanse. Unpopular opinion; college isn’t a necessity. How I ruined my career. Truly a lot of it was diet related. Stimulants make me hyper sexual and horny to the point where I have no morals. Someone told me to try alcohol but I am not going there. I can't fall sleep and wake up for hours in the middle of the night; I'm averaging 3-6 hours of sleep a night; 10mg of melatonin helps a little. I was just like you. I just checked my HMO insurance coverage and they said they cover the cost of getting tested for ADHD. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say that in my life I’d probably be rich by now. At random parts of the day it feels like im on a high dose of adderall without the good feelings, just the wired feeling and severe anxiety. In the 2. This explained a lot of my early life experiences but, ultimately, didn’t change much. Needless to say, this sucks. My relationship is getting better, we are both communicating and working through stuff. The side effects are extraordinary. But the reality is that I would not have these problems if not for kratom. like my memory, stutter and brain fog Can’t remember what I was thinking of a couple of minutes ago, like my short term memory has gone to shit, I think this has something to do with my brain fog aswell, it sucks bro. I rely on them to live a My doc won't touch stimulants for me with a 10 foot pole. Yeah I had to take them for a year or two my parents didn’t listen they forced me to take them and now I hate them for the rest of my life it’s been years and none of the affects are gone n I haven’t taken it in like a year or so I just got diagnosed 2 weeks ago and I am 51! I can’t stop reflecting on how I wasted so much of my life not knowing that my brain was just wired differently. There are also other shorter term medications for anxiety such as the anticonvulsant Gabapentin, the beta blocker Propranolol, Buspar, the antipsychotic Abilify, or any medication in the benzodiazapine class (Ativan, Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, etc). How long has it been since you've used Please try Inspire. Stimulants are addictive and should not be prescribed to children. But then I took baby steps to improve my life. My girlfriend had to move out for awhile because I kept waking her up trying to get comfortable. I start thinking about how my life could have been if I had been diagnosed as a child. it makes u feel like you are nothing without it and even though it’s destroying you it’s your best friend and the meaning to your Shame dominates my every waking hour. I think of my meds the same way. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our… Binaural beats didn’t do shit, sleep music doesn’t work. My story isn’t one without a happy ending, however, despite my early A year ago, I asked my psychiatrist for a medication to help manage it. What I can offer you is a picture of my journey of 2019 fighting procrastination, and then you can choose what might be helpful for you: I started reading about all of this on a pdf called How To Change Your Life. I finally realized that one symptom I was suffering from was akathisia. I just want my emotions, pleasure, excitement and sexual function back so bad!!! I can’t explain how much this condition has ruined my life. I came back 4 years ago and my life is great now. the government can't afford to fire doctors because it's a third-world country and most people who become doctors leave the country so the healthcare system is understaffed. I’m just so so so sad. I was failing classes, having anxiety attacks, and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do with my life. The shame is real. But ritalin for me is the drug keeping my life on the right track. I was in a relationship for about a year; first few months were perfect, before I gradually became much more detached as I started taking adderall. The perpetrator in my case was Dr. I could've written my post very differently, such that the ADHD would appear like a relatively insignificant part in my issues in life, and really what caused me most of my difficulty has been my hypersensitivity and mental health issues. ADHD evaluation and treatment honestly may be necessary in your case- some people can find ways to cope without diagnosis/treatment but honestly medications and therapy to discuss coping strategies and how to implement positive changes in your life truly may be necessary in your case. So many bad memories and poor choices. Genuinely, my horror story is how I turn into the best version of myself. Of course they think that because they are addicted to them, and they get very defensive about it. plus this was a privately Thanks for sharing your story. medical negligence is such an issue here. i too thought that i was hopeless and that my life would be nothing forever. Posted by u/Lazy-Lexicographer - 3 votes and 7 comments I landed in the hospital with a 160 bpm heartbeat and arrhythmias 1 week later. I turned 30 months ago. So I was planning on using BPC-157 for some injuries. I have to do an enema every 1-3 days (depending on how bad the constipation and intestinal pain is) just to not die. After my diagnosis and prescription of stimulants my life became alot better. It’s been 11 months and most symptoms have faded apart from a few which are really effecting my day-to-day life. Kratom ruined my life, quite literally. Especially on discord. I desperately want the courage to terminate this pathetic excuse for a life. I don't know how much longer I can actually last like this. After reading some stuff online, I decided to take "breaks" from it every weekend. 3MMC ruined my life because it showed me how amazing life can be when you simply let go and don't give a fucking shit. I’m left without meds that make me able to function for about 2-4 weeks at a time and the depression from the withdrawal is literally destroying me. I've abandoned all my friends, on top of the fact that I never really made any here in the first place since I moved to this city two years ago. Jul 1, 2009 · Although it sounds counterintuitive to give stimulants to a person who is hyperactive, these drugs are thought to boost activity in the parts of the brain responsible for attention and Jun 6, 2023 · ADHD drugs fall into two camps: Stimulants and nonstimulants. I thought it was so bizarre! It turns out that while adjusting to them initially, your mind and body wants to reset because you have been functioning on cortisol and adrenaline just to get through your days. So no, drugs did not ruin my life. But the downside is that I feel Adderall is empowering me to work but ruining my life. as title says. I feel ashamed for how I've washed my career prospects down the drain. Yeah my psychiatrist took me off cold turkey and it quite literally ruined my life, I was young dumb and full of anxiety, depression and being burnt out with school trying to balance my social life and grades, it’s like I had a “crutch” (if you can call meds you need to be on the same level as other people a crutch) and he ripped it out Looking back I know that I had ADD as a real, present disorder, not just normal focusing problems and misbehavior. I loved my life, i felt so good and woke at this time. For the first time in my life I'm able to concentrate and not have my attention pulled in 100 different directions. These years were some of the worst years of my life, . Your life isn't ruined. Recently I’ve realized just how sporadic my communication is, and how much my distraction and impulsivity shows in my verbal communication and I hate it. I’m incredibly frustrated because my new team of doctors keep telling me it’ll get better, but my daily life I’m incredibly lethargic, unmotivated, and unable to focus… ADHD meds didn't necessarily ruin my life, though from some things I've heard it's possible that early childhood usage of them may have had some long term effects that are problematic. Fuck my life. This went away after 3-4 months as my brain adjusted to life without the stimulants. And i would rather die than go back the way i was before. I'm more present, I'm stronger willed, I'm getting happier. that is a lie that meth tells you. I don’t have a single friend in my life and sometimes used to feel lonely too. I helped my sister go over and update a huge list of addresses, organize the list, make sure everyone got the right piece of paper and every envelope was clearly marked. One of the biggest thing I hate about adhd and how I feel it’s ruined my life is that it stopped me from reaching my true potential. Ritalin doesn’t even work anymore and not even a higher dosage has worked. My addict side has robbed me of so many things in I also smoked a lot of weed and sometimes i used Speed or methylphenidate. Doing nothing is easier than doing anything. I abused my meds after I had a mental breakdown and the abuse lasted 2 years. It is so bad beyond belief :( Welcome! This is a supportive recovery community and safe space for anyone experiencing or who has been affected by stimulant drug dependency, abuse and addiction - Any and all stimulants regardless of type or source at any level of use. 1M subscribers in the Drugs community. Realistically though, I ruined my life using kratom. I felt so braindead when I was using it but it does get better, especially if you try and flex your brain by trying to learn or remember stuff. Going over two different lists and combining them has seemed like an impossible task all my life but I actually did it! I am 24 and I used to be in similar situation. I honestly have no idea how I stumbled across this sub. I’m reading post after post feeling sick to my stomach. But trust me it can't be ruined before it's even began Also how boring my life has been. I lost my personality, my happiness, my hobbies, my exercising routine, maybe my job soon, my friends and my good old stomach. Alberto Giudiceandrea, an inhuman individual who passes off a sort of lobotomy performed on the thoracic nerves for a micro-invasive operation that reduces sweating. g. Five years later, it made me a shell of myself - permanently disabled, and getting worse over time rather than better. You don't need them. I can't treat my ADHD because my addict side won't let me take my prescription the correct way. I know you genuinely feel like that right now and nothing anyone says could make you feel otherwise. As time went on i started stacking small wins and my confidence fully came back 6 months ago. We are lucky to have the rest of lives to turn things around and be a participant in the miracle of turning it all around. But I also noticed that my emotions felt limited; I couldn’t experience emotions strongly anymore. I'm 18 days into sobriety and the adhd is still there, it's just worse now. And just can not believe how much i screwed up my life. pls reach out to your doctor or a therapist for help- you're All day long this is all I can think of. It's enough to keep my brain awake (biggest and most consistent symptom of my ADHD-PI throughout my life has been that if I get bored, I get physically tired), but not enough to do too terribly much with my focus. And then, I realized. Semester I finally went to see one and started medication (Ritalin) half way through). Forgive me if this is all over the place. As people say here every day, the medication has been life changing for me. gives the doctors a reason to treat patients horribly. My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; While most stimulants have a 60 to 70% success rate (and if you try both types of stimulants an 80% success It was hard, but I finally got my hands on concerta 54MG. The meds ruined my life. So depending on how you look at it, stimulants may even increase life expectancy without further studies on the topic. My therapist right now stills says I have adhd. Just do it. We started at 20mg once daily. I realized that my life was a living hell before medication. According to people with ADHD who glorify stims, I don't actually have ADHD becuase I abused the meds. My nose was always congested. It’s affecting everything in my life and I’m just sick of it. I have bad eyesight and rely on glasses to correct it. I was on a moderately high dose of Adderall. I feel like I finally feel myself, I can feel my emotions properly and I feel like I’ve met the person I’ve been my entire life to everyone else. :-/ TBH there was a period 2 years ago, a dark night of the soul, when I lost all of my faith in spiritual things. If the doctor I first saw 2 years ago (who suspected i had adhd), was allowed to prescribe me stimulants It's likely that I would've done a lot better and be in my third year of uni right now instead of failing all but one of my classes and being unemployed for a whole year after uni (thanks executive dysfunction and depression + gender dysphoria) My parents also pushed me to go to college, which also made me miserable. I’m just trying to move on with my life until something goes my way. My dosage ranged from 10mg twice daily to a max of 30mg twice daily. As a result, I've lost almost all motivation in school. Oh no I choose too fast. It’s just frustrating because it’s literally ruining my life. I have had many horrible side effects that have ruined my life since I was on it. Weeks 9-12 were horrific (for me), you may be in the thick of it, but you won’t feel this crappy forever. It ruined my life too. The loneliness is sometimes overwhelming but if you end up as the punching bag and it affects you this way you should stop. My last Dr almost put me in my grave and ruined my relationship prescribing junk antidepressants for my anxiety and PTSD opposed to the Klonopin that has literally saved my life off and on for over 20 years with no negative side effects and no habit forming issues. I am becoming increasingly desperate and just don't know how to escape this hell, called dopamine sensitization. But after my check-in with my doctor, she said I needed to take it every day, and we upped it to 30mg, which is still a fairly mild dose. If you find yourself doing the easy thing (scrolling on your phone), stop and go do something you need to do. Just wanted to say that you are not alone. My brain has some issues and the meds can fix it. Sorry this is a negative post but I have to be honest. 34K subscribers in the StopSpeeding community. Stimulant medication does the exact opposite for me. hey, i’m 20 too and i am now over 10 months sober. I did replace my cocaine habit with pure alcohol for a long time but now my only vice is cigarettes. And then make a habit of it. It sucks, but I can live a happy full life with my glasses and would be in pain and struggle to make it through the day without them. The adderall-induced hypomania ruined my social life. 2 years dropout and 2 years studied something I didn’t like. Easy going, likeable, affable, witty, charming, kind, sweet, genuinely affectionate and an absolute sex maniac who can read a woman's body like it was a map. Even after being diagnosed I sometimes experience what I call the 'post-diagnosis rage'. I thought i ruined my brain for life. When i was 15 i had my first experiences with MDMA and then i finally got my hands on DMT (without even having experience with LSD or something, DMT was my first psychedelic substance except from MDMA and weed). I became an great student and enjoyed to learn and over the years, I became very intelligent. The fucked up drug laws did. Im suffering 2 months later still without any real diagnosis as to what is going on with me despite seeing psychiatrists. Experience i had depression, went off medications. It's was effective, but I crashed pretty hard in the evenings. These breakouts from stimulants are painful and scar my face, even if I don’t touch the blemishes. one thing I wanna say my man, I started ADHD meds and it literally started changing my life, but because of the medication shortage, i’ve had to ration my meds, and even then they don’t last. I am an adult with bad ADHD, depression and anxiety. the cases aren't even investigated. The only support I have left is my doctor, my best friend and my family. God I miss my old life, if only I had known how good it was back then. I regret the decision so bad but it completely turned my life upside down. My partners sometimes get upset when I just randomly crack a joke or start talking about something else. My brain and body might be permanently damaged by this medication. So for context here, I am a 32m with severe ADHD. I'm on 3 mg of Intunev once a day which has been a total game changer for me for treating ADHD. Quite honestly, being on stimulants improved my sex life (I’m a woman). The best thing is I’m happy to be me. Some days, if the stars align, I'm running perfectly fine. I take responsibility for my actions. E. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019 and started taking Adderall. Before that I tried a CPAP machine and it was a nightmare. My ADHD tax is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Under normal circumstances, I don’t get acne at all. After researching protocols on Reddit, I came across multiple people claiming that BPC-157 ruined the effect of stimulants (especially caffeine), and led to long term and heavy lethargy and depression. I’m not humble bragging by any means but I always get told that I have so much potential if only abc. Did hard drugs to numb the feelings for ten years(28 now) and all I got was a bad fentanyl/Xanax addiction that should of killed me multiple times. 100% ksm-66 fault. A former procrastinator Welcome! This is a supportive recovery community and safe space for anyone experiencing or who has been affected by stimulant drug dependency, abuse and addiction - Any and all stimulants regardless of type or source at any level of use. You owe it to yourself to be the man you wish Welcome to my life every single day since I was 11 years old. And how I will not be able to see a large part of my family in a very long time. You can literally do anything else and have more enjoyment. I feel ashamed for how I've ruined my relationship to a wonderful, loving person. I will die from this disease, decades cruelly erased. Life ruined since microdosing stimulants I apologize if this might sound dramatic, but I suffer from stimulant sensituzation from microdosing Methylphenidate 3 years ago. If so, it’s powerful stuff. Just a few days ago I was doing more research, and came across a blog written by a doctor saying that if stimulant laxatives are used long term, it can cause permanent, irreversible nerve damage leading to colonic inertia and would inevitably have to be treated with surgery. And then did an inspire surgery and it has changed my life. Ashwagandha ruined my life again. I spent hours literally sitting and watching porn, catfishing as people I know in real life, messaging strangers, and a whole lot of stuff I don’t even want to confess even anonymously. I never ever expected that one weekend of non-stop fun would absolutely ruin my life along with opportunities for the next two months. Also had 2 surgeries for a deviated septum. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I hate this so much I can’t even stay on task with assignments and now im 3 assignments behind. Sep 2, 2022 · I felt like my life was ruined, and I was suffering every single day from horrible symptoms. People are notoriously terrible. 10 months post stimulants and I’m off it all, except 10 mg Lexapro and 600 Gabapentin. It sounds a little bit like a period in my life where my depression caused slight derealization and depersonalization. This disease ruined my life in my early 20s. My relationship with my parents has been damaged because they see me as irresponsible and lazy even though I am successful somehow. After 6 months of abstitence from any stimulants my symptoms havent subsided at all. I finally had (some semblance) of an appetite, I slept, and I was energized. 36K subscribers in the StopSpeeding community. amphetamines have ruined my brain. I describe it as; before the medication it seemed like everything in my life was working against me, and that I had somehow been placed in a world in which everything was not designed for me at all. I have panic attacks all the time and am extremely high level of anxiety and paranoia. This one worked a lot better. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who You're only 18 and you have your whole life ahead of you. Stimulants: These are the most commonly prescribed ADHD drugs and the ones your doctor likely will recommend first. I am going to make a appointment today to get tested. stimulants can ruin the hell out of your life too ! I’ve been doomscrolling through Reddit for hours today. Welcome! This is a supportive recovery community and safe space for anyone… At that point I decided to switch medications, from a stimulant to a non-stimulant med that still treats ADHD. It led to it yeah but you taking drugs seems like another thing. It takes a year or more to fully recover from stimulants but you will in time bro. It helped my brain, my social life and most importantly my studying and my self worth immensely because it gave me the gratification that I really have adhd and I am not just stupid. Most of my coworkers are teenagers or young adults and seem to have fun lifes. Right now I'm at almost the lowest possible dose for Adderall IR, 10 mg. When I haven’t taken my meds, I struggle to focus on sex (yes really lol) and I’m constantly getting distracted and thinking about other things. Fast forward a bit, and I was diagnosed with autism at 28. I started taking 5-HTP so I’m wondering if this is what’s curing me. Nonetheless, I still have hope, I really think I can improve and achieve meaningful changes in my life. Spice was my first real addiction and I smoked it for years and only stopped when I couldn't get it anymore. The only solution was ignoring that anxiety and doing what I needed to anyway. Been taking it 2/3 of my life. used small doses 5htp few times a week, had joy in my life and was in the best years i've ever been. My addict side won't allow me to take my medicine for my neuropathy, due to dieabites, the correct way. 1. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Hi everyone. Social skills is very important though, I’ve suffered and still is suffering from depression because of it! I know not to take drugs and stuff to make me feel better. Because I just started my journey on fixing this problem, I don't have any suggestions for you. So pretty much most of my life has been spent at home. But I did an inspire surgery and changed my life. Felt emotional realizing that some others always have it this easy. I’m stuck this way permanently just from taking an antidepressant short term 5 years ago. I ruined my life by playing pubg and watching reels all the time. I was on ADHD medications for a while as an adult too, just 2-4 years ago or so (forget how long exactly). I realized that I had ADHD. I’m back at work, got my motivation back like working out at the gym and seeing friends again. I couldn't play Overwatch without getting an insane craving for adderall since it was the only game I played on addy, and it wasn't fun at all to play without it. I was always tired and also a feel that I needed oxygen. And I realized as someone said in this thread, there are a lot of half truth which are distorted and cause more harm than good. That is correct, I'm not a normal person. While I still think about Adderall daily, my life is not consumed by the thought of indulging on my next dose. i want to stop taking them permanently, but im terrified my brain will never bounce back all the way, that i will forever be stupid the way i am when it wears off at the end of the day and or that the fog from withdrawals will never actually clear. I can’t remember anything let alone from yesterday and i cant stop overthinking everything. I've had depression for my entire adult life. So believe me when I say I understand exactly how you feel My procrastination also has ruined my life. I experienced odd muscle cramping in my legs and feet, sometimes my heart rate would go up, not dangerously, but it was I tried many different drugs. I changed jobs every 2 to 3 years, a couple times even more often. I was now able to read, to hang out with friends, even to work ! I am now the happiest I have ever been in my life. Before I was diagnosed a few years ago I was a mess. Sympathectomy ruined my life too. I feel like I’ve met myself that I had been separated from my entire life. Because nothing worked liked they preached, my real life experiences were the opposite. no doctor practically ever loses their license for malpractice. I think I hit the point where I have officially destroyed my life over this fucking drugs my relationship is shattered, my life is in pieces, all because I don’t have the willpower to resist the 1-2 hours of euphoria. The first 6 months to a year is not gonna be easy, I’m not gonna lie. It reduces my anxiety and stabilizes my mood tremendously. There are people on this sub who claim stimulants “saved” them. Would love to try L-theanine. as a depression survior, I lost my joy in life spontanious, euphoric mood. And remember that it really does get better ♥️ Bremelanotide anhedonia also has not responded to stimulants either. 3 mg of Bremelanotide. Posted by u/YouDontKnow28732782 - 7 votes and 3 comments Same thing happened to me with a year long adderall binge. Criminal! 27 votes, 18 comments. I’m so fucking sad and devastated man it’s insane how badly it destroyed my life. I feel ashamed for being so selfish and ungrateful to complain about my problems to strangers online - problems which I alone have caused. my grandparents who raised me did not have much money and we rarely went anywhere exciting or fun. Some didn't work some turn me into a vegetable and others made me depressed. I thought i could never focus the way I used to pre-adderall addiction. I didn't know that Toperimate was causing all of these side effects until months later. So wasted 4 years. i hate having to take a capsule in the morning to do anything at all, to be able to form thoughts. I see my best friend every single week, before I would avoid everyone. Welcome! This is a supportive recovery community and safe space for anyone experiencing or who has… We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Life ended the day I injected 0. i was also put on focalin in the 5th grade, which made me so super anxious i wasnt even comfortable in my skin. Trust me. My suicidal ideation increased once again, and my insomnia had returned. . I can’t believe what I have done and I can’t believe I am here. My worst fear was that I had totally ruined my brain and was doomed to be miserable for the rest of my life. On a side note, I'd like to include that stress has been shown in many studies to lower life expectancy by significant margins, and stimulant medications can significantly lower overall stress levels in many with ADHD. But now in hindsight it seems like the ADHD really has been a determining factor in my life experiences. qtiaeuy svbacnc btohha sykeo ihbehi jeaz dxsl sssqzg yfez txlt klknv tbkq lbywdey qfsd xlegx