Nova scotia jail records. Nova Scotia Hospital – Admission records.
Nova scotia jail records MacNeil. Tracing Your Ancestors in Nova Scotia. The numbering on the left page starts at one for each year. significance. Compiling and keeping Passenger Lists was haphazard until responsibility was taken over by the Government of Canada after Confederation in 1867. The facility has a bed capacity of 322 male and 48 female persons in custody and a staffing compliment of 300 employees. A new Public Archives Act entrenching the position of the Provincial Archivist was passed in 1998, and in 1999 all employees became civil servants. According to the province, the committee will have the authority to access personal and health records held by the province or other “public Aug 12, 2024 · Township Books. 119/2024. This handbook outlines the behaviour that is expected and required of individuals in custody in adult correctional facilities in Nova Scotia. With the proclamation of the Land Registration Act on March 24, 2003, the new land registration system was rolled out across the province county by county until the last counties were implemented on March 1, 2005. Five years of sorting through historical documents Records are in ledger form, with many entries spread across two facing pages. The Archives' holdings consist of correspondence, manuscripts, journals, newspapers, books, photographs, documentary art, maps, architectural plans, sound and moving Jan 16, 2015 · A second man who pleaded guilty to distributing an explicit photo of Rehtaeh Parsons was sentenced yesterday to 12 months probation as a Nova Scotia court dusted its hands of the case. Holdings ; Quick search Item is a photograph of the court house and jail showing the vegetable garden. The repository is also used for civil (non-criminal 6 days ago · Hilchie was also sentenced to 24 months of probation on the assault causing bodily harm charge and one of the mischief charges. Feb 19, 2025 · In 1997 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia assumed responsibility for records management within government and was renamed Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. 136 Gardiner Road Sydney, NS B1M 1A1 Tel: 902-563-2114 Fax: 902-563-3636 The wrongful conviction of Donald Marshall Jr. The Rules and Forms for the Nova Scotia Courts are made and amended by the judges of the Courts, with the exception of the The jail was built in 1862 and used until 1969. RG 20 Series E, the records have been microfilmed. If you committed your first offence on or after March 13, 2012, once your sentence is complete you can apply for a record suspension after waiting: 5 years for a summary offence; In summary conviction cases, the appeal can be made to either a judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia or the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal. I've been charged with a crime by the police. Ricky and Julian have a new business venture, and Bubbles is really excited. MemoryNS provides access to archival records from institutions across Nova Scotia, and is an initiative of the Council of Nova Scotia Archives. 12 that said it is illegal to confine inmates in their jail cells because of staffing shortages In the late 1970s, Lunenburg's two oldest cemeteries were the subject of an ambitious recording project. Mar 1, 2025 · RCMP is turning to the public for help finding a Port Hawkesbury man. Gaelic Nova Scotians. Records from 1908 to 1919 are in ledger form, with six (6) entries on each page. Many of the rules of the facility come from the Act and Regulations. The Nova Scotia Courts have gone a step further by posting the dockets for most Courts online. Prosecution online. Prior to 1884 civil cases may be identified in the docket books and cause books. Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives. The records include estate files, inventories, wills, administrations and other records related to probate. Nova Scotia Canada State Inmate Search. Search MemoryNS to find detailed information about the records and their creators as well as contact information for the contributing archives. Jun 29, 2023 · The mother of a Mi’kmaw woman who died in a Nova Scotia jail in March says her daughter’s death will be one of two investigations conducted by a new committee set up by the Ministry of Justice. The Halifax-Dartmouth Regional Authority took over responsibility for operating the jail on Jan. 104/2008. The North and West Units each consist of Contact. "We're making good progress and are on track to open the doors in 2014," said Ross Landry, Minister of Justice. This page contains the full text of the Youth Justice Regulations consolidated by the Nova Scotia Registry of Regulations to N. In this system, judges travelled to outlying areas to hold court. Please contact them for further Yarmouth County Jail (Nova Scotia). The Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility (CNSCF) opened in October 2001. None of the information offered on this site, or provided by court staff, is intended to take the place of legal advice. – 1860-1958. Registrations for 1864-1877 are incomplete. ca Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada. g. Additional records are in the Coroners' inquests and medical reports collection and include records for Halifax and Dartmouth (1755-1973), Halifax County (1828-1928), Cape Breton County (1906-1907), Colchester County (1885-1973), Cumberland County; (1931-1959), Inverness County (1936-1971), Lunenburg County (1824-1907), Queens County (1818-1940 deaths in custody in Nova Scotia only result in a public inquiry if the chief medical examiner recommends an inquiry and the minister orders it. D. banner image: Chipman - 201002423 Cape Blow-me-down, and the Bason of Mines — Captain W. Reference: Halifax Explosion Collection Nova Scotia Archives MG 27 vol. He'll remain incarcerated and will be escorted back to Nova Scotia to appear in Dartmouth Provincial Court on October 21, at 9:30 a. Nova Scotia Department of the Attorney General; Records relating to criminal and penal matters Acadian Heartland: Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768. Antigonish-based Nova Construction Company has been selected to complete this phase of the project. Offender telephone calls to legal representation, Legal Aid, the Ombudsman, Human Rights, Nova Scotia Complaints Commissioner, and Nova Scotia Civilian Director of the Serious Incident Response are Oct 9, 2024 · Denny, who's currently serving an in-custody sentence in relation to an unrelated incident, has been charged with Second Degree Murder and Indignity to Human Remains. Census returns for Nova Scotia : 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are available on the Library and Archives Canada website. 4 Excerpt about the Halifax Explosion from The Long Walk by Harold J. These records are the registration of births, not birth certificates. Visit coal, gold, iron and salt mines, gypsum and slate quarries; learn about life above ground; re-live frightening disasters. a tenant agreement. The bars on the windows were made by the local blacksmith. Reg. The pardoning process is out of reach for many since the Conservatives changed the process. As well, the province’s Wellness Court Programs May 17, 2021 · In Nova Scotia,criminal record checks are also conducted by private accredited organizations. Start a quick search to begin using our fully searchable database containing one million names. Records from 1919 to 1973 are single-page registration forms. Mar 12, 2021 · – Monica Kennedy, administrator, Nova Scotia Adoptee Advocacy Group. Posts about The Old Cape Breton County Jail_Sydney_Cape Breton written by caperpics Dec 5, 2024 · HALIFAX — A group of unionized Nova Scotia jail guards marched in driving rain Thursday to draw attention to what they say are “crisis” working conditions. Feb 9, 2025 · A Catalogue of Archived Records Preserved in Nova Scotia . You will first be asked which city you wish to search then once you have chosen the appropriate Nova Scotia city you can then select the prison facility. The Argyle Township Court House & Gaol is Canada’s oldest standing courthouse, built in the village of Tusket, Nova Scotia in 1805. Contact. In 1864, an attempt was made to register vital statistics in Nova Scotia. ca/privacy Why are health records being made available online? Nova Scotia Health is committed to responding to the feedback we hear from our patients. Probate records such as wills, inventories, and administrations are very helpful. There are Nova Scotia Legal Aid Duty Counsel services (free legal advice for your court appearance for that day) are available at most courts. A joint expenditure of the City of Halifax, the Town of Dartmouth, and the County of Halifax, as of the 1950s, the facility operated until 1969 when the Halifax County Correctional Facility was built in Lower Sackville. Files are arranged chronologically. Includes five catalogues prepared for office use: volumes 466 (1807), 466½; (ca. Jul 31, 2024 · See Canada Church Records; Nova Scotia Church Records at Nova Scotia Archives; 1720-2001: Church Records at Nova Scotia Archives at FamilySearch; index & images; 1727-1884: Nova Scotia Church and Civil Records at FamilySearch; index & images; 1823-1905: Nova Scotia, Antigonish Catholic Diocese at FamilySearch; index & images; Also at Ancestry ($) Cemetery records are another useful resource for family history research. The federal Liberals have also promised to revisit the Harper-era changes to the criminal justice system, including the record suspension process. 1 million to begin site preparation work for the Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility. Many of these records (especially wills) give names, dates, residences, possessions, and relationships. Jun 13, 2013 · This page contains the full text of the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations consolidated by the Nova Scotia Office of the Registrar of Regulations to N. On the other side of the house were five jail cells – three downstairs and two upstairs. a list of every foreign worker recruited by the recruiter for employment in Nova Scotia Method of Keeping Records Employers and recruiters may keep records using any method (from a manual system using a payroll book from a stationery store to a computerized bookkeeping/payroll program). Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths Genealogy Guide Background Birth Registrations Transcribe Births 1922 Transcribe Births 1923 Marriage Registrations Transcribe Marriages 1948 Death Registrations Transcribe Deaths 1972 Transcribe Deaths 1973 Contact Us Access your Health Records. ca/search/ The Gazette, Glace Bay, "Nova Scotia's Independent Newspaper" began as a daily in 1904. About 40 members of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union waved placards as a four-piece Dixieland band played outside a provincial government office building in downtown Halifax. Go to the Nova Scotia Courts website, Provincial Court section for more Frequently Asked Questions about court. Free Nova Scotia Canada public record searches, criminal records and sex offender, background checks with thousands of government and public record resources. It is up to the Crown Attorney Dec 30, 2019 · Nova Scotia has broken immigration records again in 2019 as the province finds new ways to target workers in sectors with the greatest need. This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. If your ancestor lived in a part of the province that had a township book, you should search that to find marriage records. Her book, the first history of Afro-Canadians in Nova Scotia, focuses on her community of Greenville, about two hundred miles southwest of Halifax. These provisions are found in Part XX of the Act. Currently online: 1864-1877, (delayed registrations 1830-1922), 1908-1922. 2003; 390 metres; 3272 volumes. The jailer and his family lived on one side of the house, both upstairs and down. RG 20 Series U, the records have been microfilmed. Please note that many court decisions are oral decisions, not released in writing, and therefore are not added to this database. The application process is straightforward. Birth registrations begin in 1864 and are released after 100 years. The Office of Immigration has approved 2,780 applications as of Dec. Morse, William I. There were 70 assaults between offenders, 32 assaults on staff and three fights in the first six months of 2014 at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility In 1774, the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia's circuit system was established by an act of the legislature. You have served all of your time, including jail, house arrest, parole and statutory release; and 3. Series forms part of Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in Halifax County fonds and consists of case files that contain summonses, subpoenas, affidavits, briefs, exhibits (documentary evidence), pleadings, informations, indictments, motions, orders, transcripts of testimony, appeals, motion orders, rulings, verdicts, and other materials relating to civil actions and matters, as well as criminal This collection includes records of probate proceedings from Nova Scotia. Most of the records are dated from 1800-1940, but coverage varies by area. Walker. novascotia. You may also be required to go to the police station for fingerprinting. While you are in custody in a facility in Nova Scotia, you are also expected to follow the rules of the Act and Regulations. The cells were lined with metal on the ceilings, walls, and floors. Ask at the information desk at court about Nova Scotia Legal Aid Duty Counsel. The Nova Scotia Archives is the only known repository with issues from 1937 to 1947 (NOTE 1937-1938 online now). What happens next? Normally, the police will provide you with written direction to appear in court for arraignment—having the charge read to you. Morris, Julie. You should speak to a lawyer for legal advice about your particular situation. At last! An online resource to help researchers identify what church records are held at the Nova Scotia Archives — which communities are represented, what kinds of records are held for individual churches, and date coverage for each. No indexes to criminal cases appear to exist. More Info: https://beta. The Nova Scotia Our Care report made it clear that patients want their online health records to be freely accessible so that they can be more engaged in their own healthcare. Records remain with Vital Statistics, Service Nova Scotia. The area of MemoryNS. With the exception of MPox, all vaccinations that have been reported to Public Health after 2008* will appear on your record in VaxRecordNS. Dec 23, 2024 · Halifax, Nova Scotia: Genealogical Association of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, 1984. Series consists of records related to the operation of the county jail and control of its inmates. Originally the records were kept predominately in French, but the index is in English. 1, 1967, along with the County Jail. The database does not make the actual documents available in electronic format, but instead provides descriptions of these holdings. Nova Scotia Birth, Marriage and Death vital statistic records. Published by the Gazette Publishing Company, its manager in 1909 was John Byrenton, who was replaced in 1923 by A. The Nova Scotia Archives & Records Management (NSARM) acquires, maintains and makes available for use, government and private records of lasting historical or administrative value. These records are fairly complete from 1867 to 1874. You have the right to access and request a copy of your personal health information from Nova Scotia Health Authority. Records of Gaelic communities and culture can be explored through both primary and secondary sources held at Nova Scotia Archives. Searchable Database of Decisions of the Courts of Nova Scotia. 4 days ago · In Nova Scotia, there is also a shared provincial catalogue called MemoryNS, which includes information about the holdings of over 40 different archives located across the province. Quick Facts: adoptions have been recorded in Nova Scotia for more than 100 years. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1991). Starting Saturday, December 14, 2024, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department has changed to 1840 Bell Road. The Correctional Services division of the Department of Justice is responsible for the administration and operation of community and custody-based programs and services for adults and young persons. Click here to conduct a search of all Nova Scotia federal prisons in Canada. Nov 25, 2011 · The province is investing $1. Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility 10202 Sherbrooke Road RR 4 New Glasgow, Nova Scotia B2H 5C7 Tel: 902-755-5721. Gaelic language and culture have been an important part of Nova Scotia since the arrival of the ship Hector at Pictou Harbour in 1773. Jan 30, 2024 · About 12,000 patients at four clinics across the province will have access to their medical records through the YourHealthNS app in a new pilot project (Communications Nova Scotia / File) About 12,000 patients at four clinics across the province will have access to their medical records through the YourHealthNS app in a new pilot project. Images Nova Scotia Genealogy Archival Holdings Library Holdings Google Site Search. Since 1 October 1908 the records have been maintained without interruption. Victim Services of Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Department of Justice, Victim Services offers a range of services to help victims of crime in Nova Scotia. Starting in the 1880s case numbers and docket numbers indicate this order. Also known as Ships' Manifests or Seaport Records of Entry, Passenger Lists are often sought when researching an ancestor’s immigration to Nova Scotia. Arrest registers, 1877-1955. The collection comes from Catholic parish records and Township books. – 5 meters of textual records RG 25 Series NS Admission Slips Volume Case number From (Date) To (Date) Note 1 81-275 20-04-1860 15-11-1863 Missing 1-80 2 276-450 20-1 1-1863 20-08-1867 Missing 193, 253, 254, 285, 290, 336 & 369 Feb 12, 2020 · On Wednesday, eight men appeared in court in person and seven by video from either the Dartmouth jail or the Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Pictou County. Learn more. 1960 for Wills; ca. Records you can find with YourHealthNS include: If an accused person elects or is subject to trial in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, the Provincial Court may hold a preliminary inquiry. Connolly Nova Scotia Archives 2007-052/002 file 1 Contact. On this website are the seven-volume report of findings and recommendations of the commission , transcripts of all proceedings and interviews, all exhibits, documents from the original trials and appeals of Donald Marshall Jr. Dec 12, 2024 · These records include registered births from 1864-1877 with some birth entries as early as 1810, delayed births 1836-1907, marriages 1763-1932, and deaths 1864-1877, 1908-1957. In-person Criminal Record Check. Dec 5, 2024 · Dozens of unionized Nova Scotia jail guards rallied outside a government building in downtown Halifax on Thursday to draw attention to what they say are crisis working conditions. Nov 1, 2010 · The Department of Justice Published Monday November 1, 2010. Currently online: 1864-1877, (delayed registrations 1830-1923), 1908-1923. Nova Scotia Commissioner of Crown Lands - Ungranted petitions, 1811-1849. Dec 5, 2024 · HALIFAX - A group of unionized Nova Scotia jail guards marched in driving rain Thursday to draw attention to what they say are "crisis" working conditions. Civil registration of births in Nova Scotia began in 1864, continued to 1877, then lapsed until 1908, when the province resumed record-keeping. 27, up 21 per cent over 2018 and more than 300 per cent over 2013. Minister of Justice Ross Landry announced the construction of a single 100-cell correctional facility in Coalburn, Pictou Co. […] about how correctional services are provided in Nova Scotia. But will it work? Recognizing that family history impacts how people view themselves, their history, and their connections to the world at large, the Nova Scotia Archives makes both on-site and online access to family-history related records a priority. Dec 12, 2024 · This collection includes county birth indexes and images of Nova Scotia from 1864-1877. This legislation allows adopted people, once they turn 19, and birth parents to access their information if they want to. Courts of Nova Scotia - Provincial Court: general information. ca devoted specifically to the Nova Scotia Archives provides a guide to the records held at the Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax. Connolly Reference: Harold J. Robert Campbell, a member of the Lunenburg Heritage Society and a skilled amateur photographer, undertook to photograph every surviving pre-1867 gravestone in Hillcrest Cemetery, and all the markers in the smaller Old French Cemetery. In 1971, Donald Marshall Jr. By 1834 the initial requirement to have cases heard in the presence of two or more judges was removed and a single judge hearing cases on circuit was invested with the full Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths No records found - Please try another search. Rick Woodburn, one of two prosecutors on the file, said the Crown received the evidence from police last week and needs to vet Andersons medical records before disclosing the Aug 12, 2024 · An index of births/baptisms, deaths/burials, and marriages from Nova Scotia, 1727-1884. Online health records are being made available through a phased approach to Nova Scotians 16 years of age and up. Jan 20, 2025 · Springhill Institution. , from Membertou, was wrongfully convicted of murdering Sandy Seale in Sydney's Wentworth Park. They were made for certain townships in the western part of Nova Scotia between 1760 and 1860 or later, and some include records of marriages as early as 1702 and as late as 1920. Church Records at NS Archives: A Searchable Database. But most summary conviction cases are taken to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. In 1877, birth and death Sep 30, 2010 · In the account below Nova Scotian historian Sharon Robart-Johnson describes the research and writing that culminated in her book, African’s Children: A History of Blacks in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Cemetery records held by the Nova Scotia Archives are mostly transcriptions of the information on tombstones, and are not the actual records of all interments in any particular cemetery. Charges include: Carrying a Concealed Weapon Assaulting a Peace Officer Resist Arrest Failure to Comply with Conditions of Release Order Breach of Probation Failure to Attend Court. Within each county, the records are generally filed in two large groupings: Will Books and Estate Files, although there may be many series of related records as well. The facility configuration has 3 separate living units. Aug 23, 2018 · Small steps, like a recent career fair at Central Nova Scotia, during which volunteers with criminal records were allowed to attend. Search comprehensive listings from Halifax, Sydney, New Glasgow, Truro, Digby, and beyond, and easily share memories to honor loved ones. Within the Correctional Services core business area there are two programs: community corrections & correctional facilities. Access Nova Scotia. Nov 20, 2024 · The Municipal Government Act (MGA) [PDF], which provides authority for most of the activities and operations of municipal governments in Nova Scotia, also contains provisions relating to freedom of information and protection of privacy. 330 McGee Street Springhill, Nova Scotia B0M 1X0. The church registers themselves remain the property of their parent parishes or congregations; most are unindexed, and many of them Sep 11, 2018 · Archives and Records Management. You still get to choose if your identifying information is shared, who can contact you (including birth siblings and other relatives) and how you want to be contacted. The list of vaccinations currently available, with descriptions, is found here. A list of services offered, members of the health care team, and service access information is listed. Court staff cannot give legal advice. Burnside jail is rowdy, I spent a weekend there when I was 20, I never had no problems personally but there was a fight and lots of screaming going on and throwing The Civil Procedure Rules of Nova Scotia govern proceedings in the province's Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, while the Provincial Court Rules govern all applications made before the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia. 9 no. Records include prisoner committal and discharge ledgers; daily logs of the jailor; notes made by the jail's visiting physician regarding the health of inmates; lists of the property and cash of prisoners on admittance; police charge books The Courts of Nova Scotia are made up of three levels of courts that deal with criminal matters (adult and youth), as well as civil and family law matters, probate, bankruptcy, summary offences (including traffic and bylaw offences), small claims disputes and appeals of all types of matters. 227 Forest Street Yarmouth, NS B5A 4A8 Tel: 902-742-4211 Fax: 902-742-0680 Sep 17, 2024 · This website uses cookies to enhance your ability to browse and load content. Gravestones of Acadie: And Other Essays on Local History, Genealogy and Parish Records of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. For example, you may not be given access to information that was collected during an investigation or that includes personal health information about another individual. ca) and connect with 211 (Services for the Deaf/Hard of hearing community) VaxRecordNS allows people with a Nova Scotia health card to access vaccination records using the website. The collection is updated daily. ca/virtual/ Nov 7, 2024 · There are many ways to access primary care, even if you're not currently attached to a primary care provider. If your ancestors lived in Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia Archives is your research epicenter. The cells were heated by a small stove in the Open adoption records allow an adopted person (who is now 19 or older) and birth parents to access adoption information if they want to. Français Search. The police service you are contacting must be within your Nova Scotia Commissioner of Crown Lands - Applications to purchase Crown Lands, 1800-1885. The County Jail was established in about 1860 directly behind the County Court House on Spring Garden Road. Provincial Court forms and rules. The prisons ceased operating around September 1969 when inmates were transferred to the new Halifax County Correctional Centre in Sackville. Appeals in indictable cases must be taken to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal. Stay updated with tributes to those who have passed. At that time, the Province’s Disclosure Program will begin accepting applications under the Adoption Records Act. Recent Images Antigonish Heritage Museum Nova Scotia Archives Coward Album, Bridgetown DesBrisay Museum, Bridgewater Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University Admiral Digby Museum Eastern Shore Archives Musée Église Sainte-Marie Museum, Church Point Le Centre Acadien, Université Sainte-Anne, Church Point Girl Guides of Canada - Nova Scotia Council Archives Halifax Municipal Archives Halifax Public Series RG 10 series D volumes 1-62 - Records relating to criminal and penal matters. Dec 8, 2022 · 1760-1993 Nova Scotia Probate Records, 1760-1993, images. Nova Scotians can now access the records of the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall Jr. Address 177 North Foord Street Stellarton, NS, B0K 0A2 Services available (in English): Criminal records check * General information * Non-emergency complaints * Outside detachment emergency phone * Police certificate * Report a crime * Vulnerable sector check The RCMP's Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) maintains the national repository of criminal records in Canada. Contact 211 Call or text 2-1-1 1-855-466-4994 (Toll-Free for outside of NS) Reach out to VRS (srvcanadavrs. I don't think one mistake should hinder an individual for the rest of their life. He was handed a stand-alone restitution order for $1,732 on one mischief charge for willfully damaging the property of the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility. Moorsom, Letters from Nova Scotia; comprising sketches of a young country, London, 1830 Nova Scotia Department of Justice Summary Offence Ticket Booklet Updated: May 2022 Instructions – Page 2 Completing the ticket Page 1 of the ticket: Information and Affidavit of Service The information portion When processing a ticket against an accused, the informant (usually the issuing officer) must The world-class electronic system provides accessibility to Nova Scotia's land records from any online location in the world. 1930 for Estates; and are available for research at the Nova Scotia Archives. m. is a significant part of Nova Scotia's history. novascotia. Nova Scotia Hospital – Admission records. Explore Nova Scotia's mining heritage via three exhibits featuring over 1100 photographs, personal records and published items. Contains registered births 1864-1877 with some birth entries as early as 1810, delayed births 1836-1907, marriages 1763-1932, and deaths 1864-1877, 1908-1957. Government of NS > Service NS > Access NS > Maps, Land & Property The electronic records of your telephone communications are stored in a database and could be listened to when there are reasonable grounds to do so. You have satisfied your probation order conditions. Consists of warrants for payments to trustees, general correspondence about schools in the county, statistical returns and reports, petitions, grants, abstracts, some minutes of the school boards, teacher contracts, attendance records, financial account books, home and school association minutes, Halifax Commercial College finances (1887-1892), and in the 1820's and 1830's there are some You can apply to the Nova Scotia Provincial Court to ask for a lawyer who will be funded for you. Local police and other authorities across Canada contact CCRTIS to check the fingerprint records of people who have been charged or convicted of a crime. Nova Scotia has no laws like that. The probate materials are usually found in the county courthouses of Nova Scotia. See: Abstracts from the Court of Probate records for Annapolis County, Nova Scotia (1763-1938) compiled by Wayne W. Medical Examiner for Halifax and Dartmouth, 1895-1974; case file indexes (no digitized content; records are available on microfilm at the Nova Scotia Archives) Nova Scotia Mine Fatalities Database, 1838-1992; List of Bodies and Fatality Reports from the RMS Titanic Census, Assessment and Poll Tax Records 1767-1838 for Nova Scotia are available on this website. This includes the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Bankruptcy Court, and Night Court dockets. 1820-1834), 467 (1835), 467½; (1828) and 467¾; (1864); and two prepared by the Dec 1, 2023 · Nova Scotia Health provides health services in all 4 of the adult provincial correctional facilities in Nova Scotia. 1, saving the province millions of dollars. 5 Nova Scotia has only had two such inquiries 1 The exceptions are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Quebec; however, Quebec does require mandatory investigations with public reports. This FAQ provides details about the in-custody telephone system, the hours calls may be made, the various ways to pay for a call, and current telephone rates. Aug 29, 2024 · Nova Scotia Driver’s License or Nova Scotia ID Card; and one other of: health card; birth certificate; passport; social insurance number card ; If you are a new resident to the Halifax-area and your ID has your old address on it, you must bring some form of proof of residence, e. Answer a few quick questions to receive personalized instructions for accessing Nova Scotia Health's primary care options near you including in-person, virtual and telephone options. May 3, 2023 · A new service will allow most people with a Nova Scotia health card to access their vaccination records online – a faster, easier way to retrieve important healthcare information. 2. 1 October 1908-1973. Marriage registrations begin in 1864 and are released after 75 years. Feb 18, 2022 · Adoption records will become open in Nova Scotia on May 1. , counsel notebooks Series forms part of the Commissioner of Public Records collection collection and consists of lists, indexes and registers of documents, most of which are elsewhere in RG 1. Police service in Nova Scotia conducts in-person record checks from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm within the working days. Tel: (902) 597-8651 Fax: (902) 597-3452 Index created by the Nova Scotia Archives. Halifax: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1987. Click here to search all of the Nova Scotia provincial prison facilities In 1997 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia assumed responsibility for records management within government and was renamed Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. Leilan Andrew Thibeau, 31, is wanted on a province-wide arrest warrant. Images for these records are on the Nova Scotia Genealogy website. Probate records for the province have been microfilmed for the period 1749-ca. 3 days ago · From 1884 onwards the cause books serve as an index by plaintiff to case numbers. The records of the Commission are extensive and the Nova Scotia Archives has digitized all of them. Nova Scotia Births, Marriages, and Deaths No records found - Please try another search. S. Every name is linked to the original record in digitized form and you can search, view and download every item free-of-charge. About 40 members of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union waved placards as a four-piece Dixieland band played outside a provincial government office building in downtown Dec 23, 2024 · Halifax, Nova Scotia: Genealogical Association of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, 1984. It operated as a working courthouse and jail from 1805 until 1944. The local officials would also forward the completed “marriage forms” that contained information on An online index and full information about Church Records at the Nova Scotia Archives is available on this website; the database provides details for over 500 distinct parishes, congregations and faith communities. A summary offence ticket is a document that tells you with Aug 5, 2021 · Nova Scotia Forest Whores: With John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells, Mike Smith. The database includes both archival records of the. That’s 12 months of probation for looking directly into the lens of his friend’s camera and flashing a thumbs-up as he penetrated the vomiting 15-year-old The abstract however includes information from the will books and probate act books at the Probate Registry which are not available in microfilm at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Criminal cases involving young people under the age of 18 are heard in t he Youth Justice Court, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court. There are limited exceptions to your right of access. VaxRecordNS will list information since 2008 on school immunizations, some early childhood vaccinations such as measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV), and The Gazette, Glace Bay, "Nova Scotia's Independent Newspaper" began as a daily in 1904. Government of Nova Scotia and private sector archival records of provincial scope or. . , today, Nov. Apr 27, 2023 · This series forms part of the Nova Scotia Deputy Registrar-General fonds and consists of marriage registration books prepared initially from quarterly lists of marriage licenses completed by local issuers of marriage licenses and forwarded to the Statistics Office in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds 1749-ca. This collection contains most of the Nova Scotia Courts’ written decisions released publicly since 2003. 1974-present. Daily obituaries for Halifax, Sydney, and all of Nova Scotia. The Department of Community Services holds the records for about 31,800 adoptions granted during this time; over the last 11 years, an average of 150 children were adopted each year in Nova Scotia Mar 6, 2024 · The lawsuit by PATH Legal follows a Nova Scotia Supreme Court ruling on Jan. xnoir vgvur dlyf mpkrxpd rjs nieosbt nxco xluens ztfihg kfap anrk ayoo ojjis kpgsf dhbuxq